We are excited to have people back in the pews for our live, in-person, services! At this time we can only accommodate a limited number of people each week and we suspect the interest will be greater than the number of spaces available. Please register yourself and your household, and we will contact you as spots are available.
Please fill out the form at the bottom of this page to attend our in-person Sunday morning service at 10:00 am.
Please include the total number of those in your household who would be attending a service and would be seated together with you. You only need to sign up once.
Not quite ready to come back? We will continue to live stream the service online every Sunday at 10:00AM.
10:00 AM in the Sanctuary. Please arrive ahead of time (15 minutes). When you are in the building we ask that you find a seat and remain there until dismissed at the end of the service.
Yes. We are committed to following all the recommended guidance from our Manitoba health authorities. Due to limits to how many people can safely be in our worship spaces, we will need everyone attending to pre-register using the form.
Children’s programming will be online only for the time being. If you would like to bring your children with you to our in-person service, they will sit with you for the duration of the service.
Yes, Manitoba Provincial Public health officials require the use of face masks in all indoor public spaces for ages 5 and up. We have some disposable masks available if you forget to bring one.
If you are not feeling well, if you have a fever or if you’re coughing and sneezing, please stay home. While we do want you here to worship with us, we need to be considerate of all others in attendance and ask that you do not attend until you feel better and your symptoms have passed. And remember, you can always watch the service online, at home, while you’re recovering.
© Copyright 2023 Covenant Christian Reformed Church.