Covenant CRC Vision Statement and Core Values
Vision Statement
We at CCRC envision ourselves to be a loving and diverse community of devoted followers of Christ, Prayerfully utilizing our spiritual gifts; caring for each other, honouring God through meaningful worship, welcoming new people into God’s family, and holding one another obedient to the Word as we strive to do God’s work in this world.
Core Values
- We are a church that honours God through meaningful worship.
- We are a church rooted in the reformed faith and committed to Biblical Spirit-filled teaching that is relevant to the needs and challenges of contemporary society.
- We are a church in which loving relationships are encouraged in all aspects of church life.
- We are a praying church trusting God to supply all our needs.
- We are a church in which people are encouraged to develop and use their gifts in service to God and others.
- We are a church that reaches out to the community and the world with the love of Christ.
- We are a church which confesses that God has appointed us stewards of His creation and to reclaim all of life for Christ.
- We are a church where small groups are encouraged as an effective means for spiritual growth.
- We are a church led by people with servant leadership gifts.
- We are a church that is committed to excellence in everything God calls and enables us to do.
(Revised and approved by Council February 19, 2009)