What We Believe
Believe. Belong. Become.
Vision Statement
We at CCRC envision ourselves to be a loving and diverse community of devoted followers of Christ, Prayerfully utilizing our spiritual gifts; caring for each other, honouring God through meaningful worship, welcoming new people into God’s family, and holding one another obedient to the Word as we strive to do God’s work in this world.
Our Worship
Worship is our full-life response of gratitude to God for his amazing grace to us. On Sunday mornings, we respond to God’s call to gather together as a body of Christ to lift our hearts and voices together in songs, prayers, offerings, sacraments, and the proclamation of the Good News of God’s work, through Jesus’ death and resurrection, to save us from our sinfulness and to restore all of God’s creation to wholeness and harmony.
We strive to worship God in ways that are:
- Biblical – keeping the whole Word of God central, providing inspiration and instruction for daily living.
- Reformed – gathering as a community shaped by the covenant promises of God, empowered by the work of the Holy Spirit within us, and with gratitude celebrating in every area of our lives the reconciling work of Jesus Christ through his death and resurrection.
- Participatory – welcoming all and using the wide variety of gifts and skills that God has given to people of all ages and abilities.
- Blended – rooted in Biblical and early church traditions, drawing on local and global resources and meaningfully combining historic and contemporary expressions of worship.
Statement of Faith
We believe that…
THE BIBLE is God’s inspired word, fully reliable in leading us to know God and to walk with Jesus Christ in new life, directing us in all our relationships and activities.
GOD, who is one, eternal, almighty, completely wise, merciful, just and the overflowing source of all good, has revealed himself to us as Father, Son and Holy Spirit:
THE FATHER is the cause, origin and source of all things visible and invisible.
THE SON, Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man, through his life, death, resurrection and ascension, reconciles the world to God and redeems life in its entirety.
THE HOLY SPIRIT, who flows from and is one with the Father and Son, regenerates, sanctifies, comforts, and guides in the way of truth and obedience. He redirects our understanding so we rightly know God, the world and ourselves.
THE UNIVERSE was created out of nothing by God, through His Word and Spirit. Our world belongs to God and He sustains and governs it for His glory and its well-being. His wisdom and power are everywhere revealed, helping us make sense of all that is.
HUMANS were created in God’s image to enjoy fellowship with Him. Endowed with special gifts far above any other living creatures, humans were mandated to be faithful stewards of the earth in accordance with God’s will and to His honour and glory.
SIN entered the universe through disobedience, alienating humans from God and each other, bringing upon us the curse of God. Sin is present everywhere, corrupting and distorting the meaning and purpose of life.
THE BELIEVER is a person who trusts in Jesus Christ alone for salvation, is born anew through the power of the Word and the Holy Spirit, and who by living in Christ bears the fruit of the Holy Spirit, such as love, joy, peace, patience, faithfulness and self-control.
THE CHURCH is the fellowship of those who confess Jesus as Lord, who gather to celebrate their new life in Christ and build each other up and who are sent with the gospel of the kingdom to call everyone to know and follow Christ.
GOD’S KINGDOM is His ever-present rule, established through His Word and Spirit, requiring that in obedience to Christ as our Lord we submit every area of our life to His commandment to love Him with our whole person and our neighbor as our self.
THE FUTURE is set and Christ will one day return and God will hold everyone accountable for what they have done. In that day Christ will make everything new, God’s kingdom will be firmly established and peace will return to this earth.
(Affirmed in Church Council, April 23, 2008)